Verdugo Hills Cemetery Next Visitation & Volunteer Day, tomorrow, April 15, 11:00am – 2pm

Posted on 04/14/2023

Historic Verdugo Hills Cemetery 
Next Visitation & Volunteer Day, tomorrow, April 15, 11:00am – 2pm 
When Mausoleum Bill Speaks, I listen 
I received a voice message today from volunteer Bill. He said, “I haven’t seen your monthly newsletter yet. You’d better get that out so we’ll get some people up there tomorrow.” 
As usual, Bill is right. It’s going to be a great day to spend some time up at VHC tomorrow. 
Please come lend a helping hand or just come for a visit and to say hello. Everyone is welcome. 
Made it through the Rain 
I am happy to report that aside from a couple of grave cave-ins (that will soon be repaired), the grounds held up quite well through all the rain. Now the weeds have taken over and the battle to eliminate them is in full swing. 
The VHC Discoverers Club 
Last month we saw the discovery of more headstones underground. The most recent was perhaps the deepest ever found, nearly a foot under the surface. Whenever a marker is found it creates quite the excitement. The word spreads quickly and soon everyone is circling the newly dug hole to see whose name surfaces. We haven’t been keeping documentation as to the discoverers and the dates they made their find but now we will. There will be an exclusive membership and a record for the most found by an individual. If you have found a headstone, please let me know so I can get your membership recorded. More to come on this. 
Third reminder 
There’s a quick montage video showing some of the efforts to restore the grounds in the past several years at the VHC on the website. Take a look if you haven’t seen it -

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