Agenda Request

To submit a request for a MOTION, ANNOUNCEMENT OR PRESENTATION to be considered at the next Administrative Committee meeting for placement on the next Board Meeting agenda, please fill out below form, submit it with all supporting documents on or before the first Tuesday of the month.

All supporting documents must be in a combined, PDF format.

Please include names, titles and email addresses of whom you would like your MOTION sent if approved.


You must comply with Standing Rule 7. Please take the time to become familiar with Standing Rule 7 (hyperlink to the attached document) before submitting your request. Failure to comply could:

(1) Prevent presentation of your request to the Administrative Committee;

(2) Result in an Administrative Committee decision to return your request to you without placing it on the Board Agenda.

Most requests for MOTION must be reviewed by a VNC Committee before being placed on the Board Agenda. Please plan accordingly for time-sensitive requests.

Please submit your Agenda Request to the committee of your choice:

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