October 2022

Board Motions and Vote Tallies for October 19, 2022


Motion: Board to vote on applicant Adele Slaughter to fill the Board Vacancy-Business Seat

Vote 12 YES / 2 Absent  Motion passes

Motion: Board to vote on applicant Fiona Duffy to fill the Board Vacancy - Youth Member seat

Vote 12 YES / 2 Absent  Motion passes

Motion: The Board of the Studio City Neighborhood Council SUPPORTS the Proposed Project: JON &
VINNY’S STUDIO CITY, Project Address: 11334 W. Moorpark St. 91602, Case No: ZA-2022-5398-
CUB. A Conditional Use Permit to allow for the sale and dispensing of a full line of alcoholic
beverages for o-site and off-site consumption in conjunction with a 3,364 square foot restaurant
with indoor seating for 94 patrons, one fixed bar and a 258 square foot outdoor patio in the public
right-of-way with seating for 27 patrons in the [Q]C2-1XL-RIO zone with hours of operation from 8
a.m. to 12 midnight daily, with alcohol sales from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight daily. New 996 square
foot ground floor addition and a new raised roof with 385 square foot storage and office

Vote 14 yes / 2 absent Motion passes. 

  1. MotionThe Board of the Studio City Neighborhood Council (SCNC) supports the efforts of Councilmember Nithya Raman to address the unsafe conditions on Coldwater Canyon Avenue between Ventura Boulevard and the Los Angeles River caused by delivery trucks continually parking and unloading in the Tow Away "No Stopping Anytime" travel lane immediately adjacent to the curb.  Despite countless complaints from the public and from SCNC board and committee members made to Midwood Investment & Development , including photographic and video documentation, the issue continues unabated.  This will only get worse if the adjacent property gets an Exception to the Ventura-Cahuenga Specific Plan to build 500+ apartments along with additional retail which will be utilizing the entrance just a few feet from where delivery trucks are blocking the travel lane.  This portion of Coldwater Canyon Ave is also the proposed truck haul route for the massive excavation relating to the proposed Residences at Sportsman’s and for the proposed Harvard Westlake River-Park project.  Motion brought by Scott Mandell.  Seconded by Chip Meehan

12 yes / 4 absent Motion passes. 

  1. Motion: The Board of the Studio City Neighborhood Council (SCNC) supports Council File: 22-1189 Title: Elected Officials / Offensive Misconducts / Immediate Resignation Demand / Censure. During a meeting among Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin De Leon and Gil Cedillo, along with local labor leader Ron Hererra,  the group participated in extended discussions that were fraught with blatantly racist and hateful comments. For these reasons, the SCNC supports the following action. The City Council of Los Angeles does hereby RESOLVE that Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin De Leon and Gil Cedillo are hereby CENSURED for their conduct and statements during the referenced meeting of October 2021, and the Council joins the community in demanding their immediate resignation from the Council.  

Brought by Scott Mandell Seconded by Richard Niederberg.

12 yes / 4 absent Motion passes. 


  1. Motion: The Board of the Studio City Neighborhood Council (SCNC) supports Council File 22-1088: Title, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) / City Parks and Recreation Facilities / Location and Utilization / Maintenance and Infrastructure Costs.  More than 356,000 Americans experience cardiac arrests outside of a hospital every year, and less than 10 percent survive. It is estimated that up to 30 percent of victims could survive if they had access to an immediate medical response, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation. In many public buildings, automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are required. Unfortunately, there are no requirements that AEDs be made available at public parks. The City of Los Angeles should take the lead and rectify this void. It therefore makes sense to have the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) report back to the City Council on the number and location of AEDs at RAP facilities, a record of utilization of AEDS, a plan for implementing AEDs at every RAP facility in the City, and costs associated with the plan.

This motion is also to be submitted as a Community Impact Statement (CIS) to Council File [22-1088]. LINK:


12 yes / 4 absent Motion passes. 



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